Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cicero Page with baby Frank |
Lavon PageThis genealogy project shows ancestry of Franklin Page (1910-1985) and Mamie Frick Page (1913-1983). Franklin was born in Stanly County, North Carolina, and Mamie was born in Rowan County.
Cary NC
All known ancestors who lived in or immigrated to the United States are included, and most known descendants of their great-grandparents are included. Altogether this site lists 15,360 people including all people buried in the North Carolina cemeteries listed below for whom a family tie has been established.
- Antioch Baptist "old" cemetery (Rowan Co.)
- Bear Creek Primitive Baptist (Stanly Co.)
- St. Matthew's Lutheran (Rowan Co.)
- Liberty Methodist (Rowan Co.)
- Flat Creek Primitive Baptist (Rowan Co.)
- Zion Methodist (Rowan Co.)
- Luther's Lutheran (Rowan Co.)
- Reid Cemetery (Rowan Co.)
- Herrin's Grove Primitive Baptist (Stanly Co.)
- Oak Grove Methodist (Stanly Co.)
- Wesley Chapel Methodist (Stanly Co.)
- Wyatt's Grove Baptist (Rowan Co.)
- Henkelite Cemetery (Cabarrus Co.)
C.G. Frick and wife Mary - 1908 |
A total of 4,911 photos are included, along with 18 media files (video or audio). This includes more than 600 photos of grave stones in the above cemeteries.
A number of group photos are included:
- Joseph Eagle and Mary Ann Wyatt family - 1896
- Liberty School - 1915 and corresponding Relational Chart
- Eli Eagle and Nancy Ann Kirk Grandchildren - 1927
- Eagle Family Supper - 1957
- D.C. Page and Elizabeth Dunn Family - 1958
Click a photo on any family card to access enlarged pictures, or click the small camera icon wherever it appears. Quicktime ( is required for the video and audio clips that are found on some of the multimedia links.